Team Beautiful Day finishes project


Our team “Beautiful Day” finished our project on Wednesday November 15th 2017. We went to the Glenside elementary school to finish the final designs for our project. We started our service project back in October by painting all of the walls of the shed white, which provided a base for us to begin the designs for the different age groups of kids at the elementary school. We were originally supposed to draw designs for Kindergarten- Second grade on the two sides of the walls, but our task ended up getting changed.Instead we just ended up drawing the designs for first grade on one side of the wall. For first grade we drew a big giant tree that displays the seasonal patterns including fall, spring, winter, and summer since first grade has been discussing and learning about the different seasons.. By doing this we wanted to give these kids a cool picture of the different things that make up the environment to look at. However we also wanted to give these kids an educational reminder and reference of the different seasons including winter, fall, spring, and summer. This was a topic that the first grade students have been learning about in class.

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  1. It is interesting how we work together in making the shed of the elementary school look better. Before it was really dull and I think it is nice how we put our efforts in make it more nice for the kids. I hope that they will also learn from our designs.

  2. That design looks so great!! Was their an artist among you guys because the detail throughout this mural is amazing! This shed will be a real eye catcher and bring more awareness to the Glenside Community.
    Great Job Guys!!

  3. Lilliana Lee Williams

    I’m glad to see that your project went so well! I’m sure the school really appreciated what you did and it looks good too!

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