Final Post for Service Action

Our group, Nature Lover (Jane, Skylar, Abby, and Riya) had chose to work with Glenside Elementary school for our service project. We decided to paint the ceiling tiles for kids with the science curriculum that each grade is learning. Those ceiling tiles will be placed above of their cafeteria, so they can all see them during the time when they are having lunch. These are our topic that we were assigned to do:

  • Kindergarten: Weather, plants, animals
  • First grade: Seasonal Patterns
  • Second grade: Earth’s surface
  • Third grade: Patterns of Motion
  • Fourth grade: Earth’s land forms and features
  • Fifth grade: Structure of matter.

We used the all kinds of brushes and colored paint for this project. First we made sketches for each of the topic. After that, we just started to paint on the ceiling tiles. Abby painted the structure of matter for third grade and the patterns of motion for fifth grade. Jane painted the Earth’s land form and feature for fourth graders. Riya did the weather, and Sky did the seasonal patterns. They took a lot longer than we thought to finish one ceiling tile. They all took each of us almost 4-5 hours to finish each of the ceiling tile, which means overall they took us more than 10 hours to finish all of them. However, we actually enjoyed painting them during the process of doing it. Whenever we thought about how the kids are going to look at them in the future for better education on this topic, we can’t be happier and willing to paint it well for them. Since we all love kids. After we finished painting, we were all so proud of ourselves and each other because we first thought it was kind of hard to finish all of them. Overall, we were all happy of being in this group and work with the elementary school. We get to know more about each other throughout the project. At the end, we all became good friends that will hangout sometimes during the lunch. We definitely think it is something worth it to do in BISC3! Therefore, we are all happy to have this opportunity and chance to try educate others and also gain more knowledge on environmental science.

These are some of our final painting:

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  1. They all look good, I hope all of you enjoyed the painting process. And I can tell that the Ecap project is very meaningful to all of you

  2. These look SO nice! I will need to visit the cafeteria once they are up! Fantastic work!

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