New Discovery on the First Day


Members of show up:Yucheng (Xavier) Zhang, Peirong Ma, Zihao Ge

This is our first day, for three of us, officially start our work.

Zihao Ge (Left), Peirong Ma (Right)




We started at 12:40 PM, 2/12/2018. Peirong Ma and Zihao Ge are responsible for watching birds, and Yucheng (Xavier) Zhang responsible for recording the type of birds and the number of birds.


This is our working environment: one hall with two observation stations.

We were very excited because on the way of observation we found an increase in the number of birds and also found a new type of bird that others didn’t recorded.


Overall, most of time our attention was drawn to the fight between squirrels. They were good at steal the show.

Time track: We leave at 2:40 PM. Two hours total.

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  1. Rishabh Ganesh Shanbhag

    I really like the pictures and the video that your group included! Both of these media elements allowed me to gain a better idea of the environment that you’ll had to work in. Personally, I find it difficult to distinguish between the different types of birds (and I’m sure other students will agree as well). This is why I’m really happy that your group was able to discover and identify a new type of bird!

  2. Conor Gregory Birmingham

    I like all the pictures and the video. It allowed me to easily understand more about your visit. Overall, this is a very informative post and I’m glad you guys are dividing up responsibilities among one another. It sounds like you guys are having fun so keep it up!

  3. Excellent entry team! This is exciting!

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