Earth Squad Meets GeoCoding

Hello fellow classmates,

Earth Squad has initially met with Kevin Lugo the representative for The City of Reading. We have discussed how we will be going around Reading looking for dumpsters that businesses own that have overflowed with garbage and could be a hazard for animals, and waterways. The main problem Kevin explained to us was that the city is losing money because they are not reinforcing the laws where the dumpsters are not in the proper place they’re supposed to be at so the city is losing money in fines they could be issuing. Our duties are to go to certain area of Reading and locate these dumpsters so we could help Kevin bring it up to the City counsel to resolve these issues. We will keep you updated on our experience, thanks guys!

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  1. What you guys and Kevin will be doing is great for the community, and every bit of effort put in should help in the long run. Good luck!

  2. Sean Patrick Macneal

    I hope all this work pays off, and Kevin can do something in the municipality.

  3. I have never thought of this as being a problem, but its men like Mr. Lugo that bring things like this to light. You guys are doing a great deed for the city of Reading, and this sounds like a really fun project. I would definitely like to know how much money the city of Reading can be saving by enforcing these laws. Great work Earth Squad!

  4. Keeping the city clean will go a long way in developing pride in its residents. The city needs revitalization and this will certainly help steer it in that direction!

  5. Samantha Marie Brensinger

    I never knew this was an issue, but I’m gad someone is taking it seriously and trying to put a stop to it. This sounds like it was aa neat adventure! I hope it was fun and rewarding to try and put a stop to this.

  6. Hello. I knew that the trash amount and littering was high, however i had no idea it was that bad. I think it is great that your team is going to help with this issue and hopefully get to a solution.

  7. Rebecca Marie Gehman

    That seems like a very important project. The city of Reading can definitely capitalized on your efforts to better the community. I’m happy that action is being taken because waste is a huge problem in our country!

  8. I truly never thought of this being an issue…. I am glad that your group is bringing light to the topic! I hope the experience went/goes well.

  9. Cameron Michael Rice

    Very interesting project. Super cool that you all took on the initiative of helping out the city of reading and waste management! Definitely would like to see some pictures of the team working.

  10. Conor Gregory Birmingham

    This is such a cool project where you get to walk around and help the area around us. It seems like you all are excited to do this which is encouraging to read. I would like to see some pictures with your next update but great job so far. Keep it up!

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