Final Visit and Birds Galore

Our final post everyone!

Team Bird Watchers of Spring 2018 BISC is sad to announce that our final visit to Nolde Forest happened on Monday this week. The Project Feeder watch season had come to a close on Tuesday the 27th. During our last visit, the feeding spot had been brimming with birds that day. Even more fortunately, some of the birds came close enough for clear photos. Here is photos from our last visit to Nolde.

 The Gold finch (most of our pictures are of the gold finch since it seemed to be the most photogenic bird).

 Dark-eyed Junko.

 Another gold finch.

 Yet another gold finch.

 One final gold finch.

 Not a bird, just an annoying squirrel who found his way into one of the feeders!

We would like to thank all the staff at Nolde Forest for giving us the chance to participate in the project feeder watch. It’s been a blast everyone!

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