Change of plans…

Hey all! Flower Beauties was so excited to go to Glenside to help the Garden Club, but recently there has been a slight change in plans.  We are no longer able to work with the garden club at Glenside due to an emergency with the person in charge of the garden club. We were a little disappointed to hear this but we have decided to try something else! Since we can no longer participate at Glenside, we ARE participating on April 20th for Earth Day at Berks!

Glenside Elementary is coming here on a field trip to learn all about the Earth while engaging in fun activities throughout the day. There will be a welcoming introduction, then it will move right into the activity of rock painting for the students. There will be tours to the greenhouse, located on campus across the street from the Janssen Center, and they will get to see all of the plants. They will also have a chance to learn more about the rocks and the Earth. We are super excited to still be able to work with Glenside Elementary students and help them learn more about the planet that they live on. We plan on encouraging them to do things that are eco-friendly while having fun and hopefully they take something home with them!! We are very excited!!!

One thought on “Change of plans…

  1. Hello! It is sad to hear that your team was unable to do the gardening like planned, but as an alternative, the Earth Day event sounds as though it was a great experience. I think it is great the kids got to paint the rocks and learn more about then as well as the planets. Kids are usually always so fascinated by them so I’m sure they had an awesome time.

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