J.A.M. spills in Nolde

Jordan, Aniyah, and Matt participated in the Project FeederWatch at Nolde Forest. What we did involved watching for an anomalies in the birds migrations. If we found any bird that is supposed to be farther north or south of Pennsylvania then we know we that climate change would affecting migration patterns. We also had to keep track of the number of birds visiting the feeders. Fortunately for us we did not see any new birds, only the birds we local to this area. What we did get were some amazing pictures of birds!

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  1. Those are some very nice quality pictures! I tried to accomplish the same thing in some of my posts, but its clear to me now that the binoculars accomplish a much better zoom in than what my phone can do naturally.

  2. Really cool pictures, I bet it must have been really hard to take them! Seems like a really good project to be a part of.

  3. Cori Lynne Dickinson

    Do you think there is a reason for no new birds? By the way the pictures do look great!

  4. Tessa Marie Caltagirone

    Awesome pictures, the birds are so beautiful!

  5. Lauren Catherine Kirby

    This is so cool! I had no idea that tracking migrating bird patterns could be correlated to changes in climate! Great photos to accompany your post!

  6. Jake William Hamill

    This is really cool guys. It looks like a very interesting place. The photos of the birds help bring the post to life

  7. Those most definitely are amazing pictures you took, its pretty neat how we research this information and can pull from it whether bird migrations are changing because of climate change especially here in Reading. Great job guys!

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