Hello, We are Achievable Stream team. We are a team of four Penn Staters. We are here to make our environment clean. Jamie is our liaison, Danielle is our team manager, and Aarchi and Myles are keeping it all together! Kittatany Sierra Club is our organization.
Starting from the left ( Aarchi, Myles, Jamie, Danielle)
Aarchi Talati
Hello, My name is Aarchi Talati. I am Security Risk Analysis Major here at Penn State. I am very excited about this project and looking forward with the organization for making our environment clean and collecting sample. It is going to be a lot of fun. I will be serving the team in all ways like keeping up with process log, working with the team and solving their problems and much more.
Myles Chikuni
Hello, my name is Myles Chikuni. I am a Business major. My role in the team is recording process logs with Aarchi and also asking thought-provoking questions to the team for building on the communication.
Jamie Greenwood
Hello, My name is Jamie Greenwood, I am a Hospitality and Managment major. I will the team liaison. I love communicating with people and I look forward to managing the project.
Daniel Samolewicz
My name is Daniel Samolewicz, I am a senior at Berks and an Accounting major. I look forward to seeing what this project entails. I will be serving as a team manager for the project.
This is pretty cool, I’m looking forward to seeing everything you all accomplish.
Hello Achievable Stream,
Good luck this semester with your project for the Sierra Club!