We are B. Hive, Excited for the H2yo!

Mackenzie Rice, Karla Cruz, An’Yea Sams (left to right)

Our team aims to help the quality of the water here at our own home, Berks County! That’s why our name is B. Hive, B for Berks. Our members are Karla Cruz, the president of this group and a hospitality management major. She will make sure to contact the organization leaders and keep track of emails and communication. The vice president is An’Yea Sams, she is a communications major and she will help us with organization and prep/planning. Our executive secretary is Mackenzie Rice, an applied psychology major and she will maintain our progress in a log and is responsible of taking any notes. We are looking forward to learning new ways to improve water quality throughout Reading. We will be working with the other teams in our class as well, to help the overall condition of our waters. We are excited to see what we can contribute to our society.

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  1. I love your team’s name! Water is essential to our lives and I am looking forward to your group on how to improve the quality of water in the city of reading!

  2. I like your team name. Good luck on your project, can’t wait to hear about what you learned from it!

  3. Hope you find out important information about our local water! I’ll keep in check since I live around the area and want to know what I’m consuming!

  4. The team name is really funny, and excited to hear your results.

  5. You all seem like you are very well prepared to do excellent work on this project. I hope you have fun and learn a lot about the issues we have in our environment regarding water!

  6. You have a really great description of what your end goal is. It seems like you have everyone’s roles figured out very well.

  7. Super creative team name with meaning behind it. It will be awesome to see how you can help our community. Good luck!

  8. Angel Monegro Sanchez

    I think the team name is very creative and I feel like there are a lot of water -related issued in the environment. I hope you guys kill it in the weeks to come. Good luck.

  9. Can’t wait to hear what you guys learn and share about our own local waters!

  10. Hi, team B Hive! I am very excited to see what you all do with this project in the upcoming weeks. It sounds like a very interesting learning experience and I’m sure you all will enjoy it! Love the team name by the way, very creative.

  11. I think its interesting that your group is going to work on water quality in reading, that was my group’s second option. I like the name of your group, it seems intuitive. I hope your group uncovers valuable research about the water quality in Reading.

  12. Its very pleasing to know you guys will work with other teams to better our society and try to improve water qualities, good luck on your project this semester!

  13. I love your team name! I am excited to see what you guys will contribute to our community! Good Luck!!!

  14. Water is something we all need to survive. This seemed like a cool project to work on hope you guys enjoy it and learn a lot about the water.

  15. That’s great we need to improve the quality of water!

  16. Hi B.Hive! I love your group name because it reminds me of Beyoncé. I will make be keeping up with this project because water is so important!!

  17. Veronika Currier Garguilo

    Hi, B.Hive!

    I really like your group name, I think that it is really creative. It is great that you are aiming to help the water quality in Reading, I think this effects a lot of people. You seem to be very organized already and have a good group set up! Good luck.

  18. This is a good group! Quality of water is often overlooked, so this is an important group. I’m curious to see what you will find, and for the conclusion of your project. You have a cute name too.

  19. It’s great that you guys are so motivated to make a difference in society! I can’t wait to see how your group will contribute to helping Reading.

  20. That seems really exciting! It’ll be interesting to see how healthy our water is before and then to see all the changes you want to make!

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