EACAP Research

On Thursday, March 14th the Green Team met up to make progress on our EACAP research. Matt, Katie, Jamie, and Abby were all present for the duration of our meeting. We took advantage of class time, and worked during that hour. The main focus of our meeting was to get a significant amount of research done for our outline and research report. We each picked a subject listed and found sources that expanded on the topics. We started to put together an outline for the research report, where we color coded each of our work. The final thing we completed during our work session was the progress log. We updated our service hours and outside work that we have been doing for the project.

This upcoming weekend we will be completing our first community clean-up and we are all excited to be helping the Reading community.


-The Green Team

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One Comment

  1. Great work as a team! Making good progress!

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