Updated Progress so far…

Hi everyone, Bird Gang is currently in the process of trying to schedule a meeting with our ECAP advisor. Once this task is complete, we will gain a better knowledge of what exactly we will have to paint on these rain barrels. We, as a team, are excited to be able to show are creative side off and help educate people all about the environment. We decided to focus our research paper on the topic of pollution with subtopics including: ocean pollution, land pollution, and nuclear pollution. We are currently in the process of collecting all the data and information needed for this report. We will keep everyone posted once we gain further information!

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  1. After seeing one of your completed rain barrels, I could tell that you all had tons of fun painting and designing it, and of course it was all for a good cause. Good job guys!

  2. It seems like your group had a lot of fun with this project. Rain barrels are definitely a good idea for collecting rainwater runoff, so it was nice to see your group take up this project.

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