Making Progress!

Hi guys! This past week we have made a lot of progress with our posters. We finalized our designs and got them approved by the supervisor of the Trimatis initiative. We printed out our three different designs for the posters to go on the bins where the bottles will be placed in as well as to be hung around the bulletin boards around the Gaige Building. The posters that are going on the bins try and get the attention of people who are passing by in attempt to get them to throw away their bottles in our bins. The posters that are going on the boards are to inform everyone about our initiative and what we are trying to accomplish. We went to hang all of our posters last Tuesday around the Gaige building. We can’t wait to see how many bottles we will be able to get for 3D printing!


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  1. This is very interesting. I cannot wait to see how yall 3D printing come out. I wonder how many bottles yall received so far.

  2. Abigail Grace Files

    It seems that your team has been up to some exciting stuff! What will your team be printing with the 3D printer? I will have to check back in later to find out! You guys are doing a good job with your service component and I will definitely be looking for your posters in the Gaige building.

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