As the ECAP project comes to an end we all learned valuable lessons in our environment. For starters, it really was amazing to all of us how much trash is surrounding the city of Reading. Going through our cleanups we were attending, the trash you see really puts taking care of our earth into deep perspective. Change needs to happen, and it starts with us young people to carry out the next generations of humans.



Noah – 4 hours helping out with Earth Fest, as well as 2 hours and 30 minutes towards a cleanup at Olivet River Trail I attended and did an hour of setting up the gymnasium with Dr. Kazempour for the Reading Elementary 5th graders.

Julia – 4 hours helping out with Earth Fest, as well as a cleanup for 4 hours.

Matt – 2 hours with a cleanup, 2 hours going around homes in Reading asking people to fill out surveys, and 4 hours in a city park mulching and replanting flowers


3 thoughts on “FINAL ECAP REVIEW

  1. Excellent job on cleaning up trash in the Reading area. Change really does start with us, hopefully other people will follow your lead.

  2. I agree that the trash now is a big problem not just for Reading, it also a serious problem in many other cities. And I think your actions will let more people realize this problem and will not throw the trash on the ground. And all you guys have a really nice work for cleaning the trash in Reading!

  3. Good Post! I completely agree with your statements about change for the City of Reading. Hopefully with our current generation, change will start to happen soon! Also good job at getting all your service hours completed, it is cool to see that you all enjoyed doing the clean-ups, etc.

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