Bee house

So for our ECAP project, we decided to make a bee house.

the reasons are:

· Bee houses offer security against vandalism and theft of hives.

· The hives are protected from the weather and therefore last longer.

· Bees appear to be more amenable to the beekeeper working with them especially during day light hours. However one beekeeper remarked to me “Have you seen what is going on outside the bee house while you are safe and secure inside?” In other words:’ if the bees become agitated their annoyance appears to be directed towards the area outside the bee house rather than inside.

· With a floor of compacted clay/sand mixture or concrete it is easy to control ants and termites.

· If portable as shown below right a prefabricated bee house can be taken down moved and re-erected on another site.



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  1. Thus project is so fun and creative! It is really helping the bees out. The information was very helpful, and I learned a lot!

  2. Its cool how you guys made a bee house! As the bee population continues to decline, I hope that this will help save the bees and provide them with shelter.

  3. It seems to be a great idea to make a bee house, it perfectly matches the main topic about the decline of bee population. I can see that you guys had designed a dedicated bee house structure, and there are many logical reasons behind your idea. Overall, I love the design of the bee house and hope you guys enjoy your work.

  4. It’s cool that your group actually made one of these. Hopefully, this will be helpful for the bees. Great work!

  5. Very good work! Bees are of utmost importance as they provide many resources to our environment. Without them we would be in a very bad situation.

  6. This project looks so cool and fun!! I hope you guys had the best time making the bee houses.

  7. Our group is actually researching the decline of bee population for our EACAP research project. Maybe the bee house can be one of the solutions to tackle bee population decline! I actually saw one between library and Gaige. We need more bee houses on campus!

  8. Allison Paige Piech

    I always wondered what these little contraptions were, thank you for the great information.

  9. Great info!

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