Finishing Up Our EACAP Project

Hi everyone! Throughout this quarantine, my group, the EcoWarriors have been hard at work researching solid waste issues and littering. We completed our presentation and discussed some of the most important causes, problems, and solutions regarding littering. In our presentation, we also explained some of the legal consequences that can result if you are caught littering, as well as a recent new story about a study done on Pennsylvania roadways about the most common types of litter. If anyone is interested in looking at, or listening to our project, it is listed under the “EACAP Presentations” module on Canvas and named “Faith, Jacob, Matt.” Like many of the other teams, we are working to turn our research into essay format. We are looking forward to getting all of our research together and submitting our final EACAP component!! Stay safe everyone!

5 thoughts on “Finishing Up Our EACAP Project

  1. Littering is one of the top affairs in the world. I agree with your solutions for littering. I like to hold my trash with me until I find a trash can somewhere. Even if I have an empty bottle I still like to carry it in case I can either fill it up or throw it away in a recycling bin.

  2. I think we all know somebody who litters and spreading awareness is just as important as cleaning! Hopefully, people take this information and put it to good use. I know I will!

  3. Great job! Teamwork is an important part of getting eveyting done efficiently.

  4. I agree, this time can be a great challenge to our abilities to work together and get things done efficiently. I’m glad you are spreading awareness of the consequences of littering and highlighting the benefits of disposing of trash properly.

  5. Great job guys! I too understand that it gets difficult during this quarantine but it seems like you guys got it handled! Litter is one of the greatest problems that we face now and it’s really cool to hear that you are making a change!

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