The Green Teams fight against public waste

We are the Green Team and our group members are Essa Iqbal, Aditya Venkat, and Cesar Campos.

The project we have decided to work on is the public waste in the city of Reading which focuses on raising awareness across the community to properly dispose of waste. We have contacted and have been working with the City of Reading Public Works. In the past weeks we have been trying to create a PSA on social media for them that will help them get their message across while also grabbing the attention of community. The goal of our PSA is grab the attention of the minorities in the community as well as grab the attention of the younger generation by using social media to educate them and teach them about this issue. The City of Reading Public Works wants us to make a viral video for them that encapsulates everything they are about while making it fun aswell.


PSA Video

The PSA Video that we made was centered around the plastic waste and public waste that takes place in the city of Reading. The goal of our PSA video was to educate the public of the incentives of recycling aswell as inform the community of the current situation in Reading. Our thought process while making our video was to make sure we catered to all the audiences in Reading and also make it fun and short enough that it was enjoyable just as much as it was informative.

The links for each of our videos are provided below:

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