How Team Art Factory Uses Their Green Thumbs to Create Art

Hi, from left to right, our names are Camry Slaybaugh, Heather Mengel, Kayla Barber, and Allie Freshley. Our team name is Team Art Factory. Camry is a junior here at Penn State Berks, and she is majoring in Early Childhood Education. Heather is a junior as well here at Penn State Berks, and she is also majoring in Early Childhood Education. Kayla is a senior here at Penn State Berks, and she is majoring in Rehabilitation and Human Services. Allie is a sophomore here at Penn State Berks, and she is majoring in Early Childhood Education.

We’ve decided to research the general impacts of waste on the environment and possible solutions and goals. Along the way, we’ve found that previous to 1968, there were no waste and recycling industries in Pennsylvania. Land disposal created problems such as groundwater contamination, methane gas formation and migration, and disease vector hazards. Each year, the world produces nearly 1.4 billion tons of garbage.

Below is our brochure with general information about our research!

Plant House Modern Trellised Ivy and Green Trifold Brochure

We are working with Dr. Chambers, Associate Teaching Professor in Spanish of Penn State Berks, to create works of art out of garbage! Each of us decided to create our own works of art. Our artwork will be displayed as a part of an exhibit in the Penn State Berks Perkins lobby on April 29th. Kayla decided to use water bottles and a wooden pallet to create a pallet garden. Allie used aluminum cans, bottle caps, soda tabs, soil, and plants. materials to design a plant train. Camry collected green bottles, and other objects, rocks, netting and twist ties, and put them together to invent a cacti arrangement. Heather built a floral arrangement out of found water bottles and a bike tire.

Attached below is a video about our service project!

Overall, we would all agree this is a very inspiring project to help protect our environment going forward. Each of us have found ourselves picking up littered trash and disposing of it properly, purchasing recycled products over new products, and working to spread the knowledge we’ve gained with our friends, family, and community. We ask the people that have taken the time to read this to really consider ways they can help protect the environment, such as recycling more and consuming less.

We had the opportunity to present our poster (attached in picture below) as well as our information at Penn State Berks in the Gaige building. Classmates, other students, and staff walked around to view the different posters presented from our class! It was a very fun process.

Below are a few photos of the group finding their garbage and creating their masterpieces!


Below are pictures of our finished projects 🙂

Kayla Barber

Heather Mengel

Allie Freshley

Camry Slaybaugh

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