Penn State Rocks Keeping Trails Clean

Welcome to our page! Our group members are MaryKate Cotter, Luke Shirk, Jessica Babich, and Cassidy Grebe. We completed our first service day at Rock Hollow Woods where we started by pulling invasive wineberries from around the trails. Wineberries have sharp thorns and take over native plants. After working on pulling the wineberries from around the trails we switched to another station.

The owner was telling us how the property that is now Rock Hollow Woods was once a junkyard where trash was left behind. Since it was covered in random trash for so long, random pieces of glass still end up on the trails. Our job was to walk the trails and pick up any pieces of glass that we saw. We kept finding large pieces of glass and pottery that were broken right by the trails.

We enjoyed spending our time helping to keep the trails a safe place to walk while learning about the history of the property as well. By keeping the trails safe, we are providing a safe place for people to enjoy nature by themselves or with friends and family. We also helped out at Earthfest. MaryKate and Cassidy worked at the Welcome Station, and Luke and Jess worked on a recycled bottle greenhouse.

Rock Hollow Woods by MaryKate Cotter

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