Sustainability, It’s a Lifestyle


Pink Tiger is a team compromised of Kayleen LaSalle, Owen Tomme, and Noreen Tsai.

We completed research on how sporting events are managed, and how we can improve them to make them more sustainable. 

For our service component, we worked with Scot Case to which he assigned us to compile a list of sustainability objectives to which we presented to him.

Sustainability in Sporting Events

Sporting events are not the most conservative events in the world, and they generally produce a lot of waste while also using up tons of energy. In turn, the sustainability of sporting events can be improved by a considerable extent. Some of the causes of waste in sporting events include transportation, food waste, disposable trash from physical advertising, and high use of energy and water. The consequences from these causes include carbon dioxide, plastic pollution, leftovers and trash, different types of waste, health risks, and a depletion of energy and water sources. Solutions to these issues include transportation from big stations or popular spots to the field, handling waste, using digital resources, taking green initiatives on the use of water, using alternative energy sources, and having green stadiums.

The Service

We worked with Scot Case, whom is the Vice President of Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability for the National Retail Federation. He informed us that every year, in the month of January, that a large event occurs at the Javits Center in New York. Here, sustainability has become a critical focus in the efforts of improving the quality of life and the environment. The task we were assigned was to research and compile a list of our top 10 objectives towards sustainability in the hosting of these events, and we presented our top 10 to Scot Case.

Here is our Top 10 Sustainability Objectives:

1. Clarify the Mission and Goals

2. State the Action Plan

3. Communication

4. Educating Guests on Sustainability

5. An Accessible Venue

6. Hosting in a Sustainable Building

7. Types of Foods Sold

8. Food Waste

9. Going Paperless

10. Using Recyclables/Reusable Items and Supplies


This is an eye opening project for us to see how the smallest change can have the tremendous impact to the world. Sustainability does not only apply to events, but also in our daily life. Doing recycling correctly, bring your own containers for food and beverage, going paperless, and don’t over purchase groceries are some examples of what we can do to help our environment to be more sustainable.

The poster

The Brochure

The Service Video

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