The Nittany Rocks at Rock Hollow Woods

About Us:

Hello, our team name is Nittany Rocks and our names are Sid, Garrett, Shawn and Devon. Sid served as the team leader while Garrett was responsible for all the communications between the group and the organization at Rock Hollow Woods. Our research component was based on Climate Change.

Service Project:

For our service component of the EACAP project, we were tasked to help the organization at Rock Hollow Woods for 2 days. On the first day, our team toke apart a bridge which was made out of wood logs and was aging due to the weather conditions. We were given tools such as screwdrivers, wrenches and etc. to un-bolt the screws on the bridge. After cutting logs of woods with equipment provided by the organization, we started to settle 2 logs as the base of the bridge and then settle the other logs. On the second day of our visit at Rock Hollow Woods, we cut down some trees that were on the verge of falling around the trail in the forest. We were able to use the opportunity to experience something to favor the environment.

Service Video

Research Project:

Our research component of the EACAP project, we presented to our class about Climate Change. Informing the audience about general information we later discussed the causes, solutions and some possible sustainable development goals about Climate Change. Global Warming has been the biggest contribution to Climate Change. Forcing a lot of species that live in cold temperatures, many glaciers and ice caps have melted which has dislocated the population in order to look for food, shelter and water. Our sources provided concrete information and were reliable.

Poster Session:

We had the opportunity to present our service and research project to our fellow classmates and members of PSU Berks. We were able to interact with others as we had the opportunity of explaining our service and research project to them. Also, we were able to go around and look at other groups’ service and research projects.


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