Green Lock meets Earth Day to “lock” residents from Reading!

Welcome, we are team Green Lock! Our team consists of Alan Manuel, Lin Wai, Chenyang Wang, and Michelle Pham. The inspiration for our team name is based on the anime, Blue Lock. We are here to find the Reading’s next climate activist that’s going to change the world!


Team member introduction

Alan Manuel: My name is Alan, majoring in Information Science and Technology(IST). My favorite hobbies are singing, writing and listening to music.

Michelle Pham: My name is Michelle, majoring in Psychology. My favorite hobbies are dancing and listening to music.

Lin Phyo: My name is Lin, majoring in Finance. I enjoy playing poker & pool.

Chenyang Wang: My Name is Chenyang, My major is Cybersecurity. My favorite hobbies are reading online Chinese novels, and I also like to play ping pong and badminton.


Left to right: Michelle, Chenyang, Brandon (our guide on our service), Alan, Lin

Research Description

Our research project focused on the general overview of how environmental issues such as air pollution and global warming affect public health. We wanted to research this topic in order to expose the exact ways human lives can be harmed due to environmental issues. We looked at the history of the ways public health has been affected by environmental issues and researched methods that could become possible solutions for them. 





Service Description

Our service project is based on the marketing and promotion of Earth Day Berks. An example we had done is a round table discussion on sustainability and how people can contribute in small ways to protect the environment. Most of our efforts were focused on marketing (i.e. flyers and social media). We worked with the Earth Day Committee to establish our roles within the group as well as discuss how we should market Earth Day to the public. We’ve also helped during the Earth Day event by setting up/assisting the exhibit tables, controlling traffic, etc. 

More pictures of the event can be found HERE!

Here is the link to Alan’s TV interview about Earth Day and the Great American Cleanup:

Our team’s service video can be found HERE!


Initially, it was a little daunting at first with the amount of work that we felt was about to go into promoting this event as well as learning new ways to protect our environment. Communication was key during this period since we all had to respect each other’s deadlines as well as ensure everyone is having fun and contributing to achieving this goal we had set out for. We learned how to use Canva and design posters during this process, which was an enriching experience. We were able to release our creative freedom in making these posters which motivated us to further spread our message about sustainability through our posters. Most importantly, we got to build closer friendships through this activity and lifelong memories to look back on.

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