The Pink Lillies at Northeast Middle School

Pink Lillies 


Jhoanna: Hi! I am a second-year Business Management/Marketing major. I’m a commuter from Lancaster PA, and I am a part of the Penn State Berks dance team, entrepreneurship club, and pavement club. My hobbies include spending time with my family & friends, singing, and taking nature walks.

Melania: Hi! I am a second-year marketing student. I commute from Lancaster Pa. At Penn State, I am a part of the berk’s dance team and the entrepreneurship club. My hobbies include swimming, traveling, and spending time with my friends.

Emily: Hi! I am a second-year student majoring in Psychology. I am a commuter from Shillington PA. At Penn State Berks I am a part of the Penn State Berks Dance team. Outside of school, I love traveling, and spending time with friends!

Walymar: Hi! I am a third-year student majoring in Business Management/Marketing. I am from Reading Pa, so I commute to campus and I am a part of the dance team here at Penn State Berks. Outside of school, I enjoy baking and spending time with friends and family.

Brief description of research issue:

Our team collaborated on land use with The NorthEast Middle School, located in Reading PA. We worked on their courtyard to bring an inclusive, live, and fun outdoor environment for the kids to explore, and learn in another place outside the classroom. The courtyard in the northeast middle school was a piece of land that over the years was not being used and has become disorganized. We were allowed to work on revamping the pots used for plants giving some color to the compost bin, and cleaning up the grass area around it to overall give light, and a better environment for the kids.

Brief description of your service project:

Our team worked at The Northeast middle school. We focused on a small section of their courtyard that consists of large flower pots, and a compost bin. We worked together to bring this area to life for the students by  cleaning up weeds, raking leaves, removing dead bushes out, and a large mint plant as well. We cleared out the flower pots and got them ready for next season to be filled with beautiful flowers for the students to be able to admire and enjoy. The last step was revitalizing the exterior of the compost bin, and flower pots. By doing this we painted the pots a vibrant red to shine light upon the school’s colors being red, white and black. We also painted the compost bin in hopes that the students and staff would be motivated to use the bin or even incorporate a compost day into the school year where the students will be able to learn about compost and why it’s so important for the environment.


Throughout this EACAP project, we have learned the importance of land use, and how there are so many ways to prioritize the use of land. In our EACAP project at the Northeast Middle School, their courtyard needed our help. We were able to use our knowledge on land use and clean up a small patch of land that will be later used for planting, compost, etc., and make this a place where students will able to learn about the cycles in land usage. All of us gained knowledge on how important it is to help locally with small acts of community service and how it can impact others. Our message to the youth or individuals is to appreciate your surroundings, and how the land around you is being used!

Press photo below to view our land use research: 

The Pink Lillies
At Northeast Middle School
Environmental & Sustainability EXPO
Environmental & Sustainability EXPO


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