Rece Golab- Freshman, Political Science major
Skyler Shanahan- Freshman, Early Education major
Kaitlyn Brunner- Sophomore, Human Resources major
Our topic for research….
Acid Rain- Acid rain is caused by a chemical reaction that begins when compounds like sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides are released into the air. There are many different causes like the emission of SO2 and Nox into the air, human activities, fossil fuel burning, vehicle exhaust, and industrial processes.

Our service project! Northeast Middle School
Our project was at Northeast Middle School in Reading. We were tasked with the cleanup of their courtyard. We had to pull up all the weeds, dig up anything sticking out of the ground, and overall cleanup of the pond area. We shoveled things out of the ground and smoothed over the areas around their small pond so that it was accessible. They wanted it cleaned up so they could use that area as an outdoor learning environment for the children.
Our reflection!
Our thoughts about EACAP are that we believe it was a really great experience overall. We enjoyed researching a topic we’d never explored before. We also enjoyed being able to help the school and children in the process of clearing out that area for them to use as an outdoor learning space. It was a decent about of work but in the end we had fun and we also learning a lot about not only our topic, but what we can achieve to help others in our community. We gained some valuable knowledge about acid rain as well as experience in volunteering and helping the children at a school have an exciting new area to learn in. A message we give to others is to put in the work. Do your best and collaborate with others because once you complete something like we did at the school, not only will you be proud of yourself for completing it, but you’ll be grateful that you did because you can see how much those kids will enjoy it.