For our meeting outside of class today, The Green Media met in the library to discuss how we will carry out the final presentation after break. We decided to make a PowerPoint in order to present our information clearly to the rest of the class. The picture included in this post is of the wonderful pagers that library hands out so you can start to work on your project in a different location while waiting for a private room to work and focus in!!
Author: Allison Claire Stauffer
Let’s Talk About Research
Today, The Green Media met in the library to continue research. We discussed how we were finding it difficult to find relevant information on “waste reduction”; the topic was too broad. We decided that each member of the group would develop a more specific idea within our categories (Reading, major cities in PA, United States, and the World) in order to be able to write a final article. All the of the research done will tie in with the topic of food waste. This is where all of our research will come together when looking at the comparison of how different areas are taking action to control waste.
The media has been utilized for years to change our viewpoints on the environment. The Inconvenient Truth that was released in 2006 was a huge contributor to creating awareness and a sense of urgency in regards to how we use products that create carbon dioxide emissions. A more recent example that occurred in 2013 was a documentary that shed light on the controversial capturing of killer whales. This documentary, entitled Blackfish, actually changed the policies of SeaWorld’s training and performance methods. Our goal is to create a call to action by using the influence of the media to once again change how the society views its relationship with the environment.
The Green Media team consists of students in various majors that will use their unique skills to inform and motivate change.
Paul Bailey-B.S. in Business, Marketing and Mangement option
Becky Webster-B.A. in Criminal Justice
Alli Stauffer-B.S. in Business Administration
Lexi Buckalew-B.S. in Business, Marketing and Management