Safety Meeting

On February 12, 2018 at 4pm, we met with our organization, Nolde Forest, to discuss our project and safety measures. Our organization leader, Rachel Baur, began with the history of Nolde Forest and how it came to be. She then discussed with us our project opportunities where we decided to clean up the trails and rake leaves in the play area. We also learned how to be safe during our time volunteering and how to get the most out of it.


We are the Clean-up Crew and we will be helping Nolde forest clear their trails from litter and debris. We are so ecstatic to be working with this organization and help better the environment. Our partners are Austin Pepper, Tessa Caltagirone, Sara Detrick, and Elina Fantili. We are all business majors at the Pennsylvania State University Berks Campus. About our individual selves, I am Austin Pepper and I enjoy shopping and traveling. I’m Sara Detrick and I love baking. I am Tessa Caltagirone and I like to play tennis and go shopping. I am Elina Fantili and I love dogs. This is our team!