How the G-Men stand up to illegal dumping

Our names are Dennis Morales, Jacob Sugrim, and Aadithya Sreeprakash and we are the G-Men for the BISC3 EACAP Project! Our name is inspired by the Marvel Comics superhero team The X-Men. Our project is focused in illegal dumping. For our project, we worked with Bethany Fisher in order to put a spotlight on illegal dumping.

What is illegal dumping?

Illegal dumping is when items are thrown in areas that are not designated for trashing nor recycling. Some examples are: throwing litter out of your car, throwing trash into an illegal landfill, and not throwing away waste.

Our Service

For our service, we made a comic using the Marvel Method. We used our team name as the name of a superhero group and used them to teach about illegal dumping.

This is the link for the video on our topic and comic:


We feel like by doing this project, we really learned a lot about illegal dumping and its effects on the environment. We wish we had more time so that our comic could be colored and have an extended ending.

Here is our Brochure:


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