Blog 12

“Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton Skeptical Of AT&T, Time Warner Merger”

The article talks about how both parties of the presidential debate express their concerns after the telecom AT&T announced their plan to buy the capable behemoth Time Warner for 85.4 billion in a deal that could result in one of the biggest media companies in the U.S. Republican Donald Trump spoke on the situation before it was announced quoting “it will destroy democracy”. While democratic Hillary Clinton spokesman Brian Fallon quotes “marketplace competition is a good and healthy thing for consumers”(Edwards, 2016).

The problem with this situation is a number of questions and concerns started up after this announcement. There is still a lot of information that needs to be reached before making a decision. Democratic Hilary released a report warning dangers of the corporate consolidation in any industry(Edwards, 2016). Trump campaign responds with his impression Time Warner is the reason for opposing the merge related to his distrust with mainstream media. The conflict communication between Trump and At&t with Time Warner Merger was Merger Donald Trump will real up the media the new media conglomerates that have risen over people’s information  that has a big impact on people’s personal lives. The problem that most Americans fear is that this proposal with have an affect on the election. Early in the year president Obama also scuttled proposed merger between At&t and T mobile.

Blog #10

Good News: The Tech to Change Your Grandma’s Life Is Already Here

In the articles it discuss how grandmothers have trouble traveling around from A to B due to disability problems or just not knowing how to dive. The city have a new way of transportation for senior citizens called paratransit. It’s like the bus or subway, but more personalized such as home pickups and making reservations in advanced and more expensive. The problem with this new and easy paratransit is its too much money. The brooking Institution estimates American agencies spent 5.2 billion on paratransit in 2013-12.2 percent of all money spent on transit that year. Nana’s Uber has already started working with transit to try to help fill in the gaps(Marshall, 2016). They have teamed up with companies such as Uber, Lyft and Bridj to cut the cost of paratransit services.

The communication problem with the article is many riders have complained that rideshare services are not wheelchair-friendly. Another problem is the mobile app usage. Majority of these companies require you to have a cingular device to request for a ride. The paratransit riders are senior citizens majority of them 65 years and older. Paratransit riders are more likely to be low-income, and may not have the money or access to afford smartphones(Marshall, 2016). The assistant director spoke on the situation and stated she believes every rideshare driver permitted to carry paratransit customers should be trained to deal with disabilities.