Final Presentation (Team CEA) 12/7/15

Here is our team’s final presentation that we made! Team CEA Environmental Waste Presentation

We want to thank everyone for tuning into our progress throughout the semester. We are so happy we were able to help transform Glenside’s cafeteria into a bright and fun place for the children to eat their lunch and also be able to see some of the different Pennsylvania trees. It was awesome to see how grateful and excited the Glenside staff was when they saw the murals. Our team is so grateful we got to have this experience to not only help Glenside, but to also learn more about the impact of waste and how we can try to prevent further harm to our environment. Although our project is done, the overall job is not and our group will continue to spread more awareness to this issue.


More final pictures from Glenside:



Thank you to All!

Christine, Emily, and Alysia

Poster & Table Presentation in Gaige (Team CEA) 12/4/15

Yesterday afternoon our group had a table out in the Gaige building on campus and were able to share our research on the impact of environmental waste with the community. We also had the chance to talk with some of the students and others who stopped by and tell them about the mural work we did with Glenside Elementary School. We are so glad we got the chance to talk with everyone who came over to our table. Many were shocked to find out that food waste is one of the biggest source of problems with landfills as it can release methane gas. They were also shocked to see just how many landfills Pennsylvania’s counties have and that over 60% is sent over from other states into Pennsylvania. In Berks County alone, there are 4 landfills and the county continues to take in trash from other counties in Pennsylvania!


The Impact of Solid Waste & Possible Solutions (Team CEA) 12/1/15

As our team has continued our research on environmental waste, we have found some very concerning issues that occur as a result of the waste we dump into landfills. We found out that when different types of waste are continually dumped into landfills, the trash releases greenhouse gases into the air. One of those gases, being methane, which is even more harmful to the environment than Carbon Dioxide. Although this information feels extremely concerning, there is still hope! There are steps everyone can take to help prevent further harm to our environment. One of these steps include, (as obvious as it may sound) simply reducing the amount of trash we are throwing away and in general trying to use less. We can also continue to recycle as much material as possible and reuse items whenever we can. While researching we found that there are actually companies out there that have the mission of reducing other large scale companies’ waste! This is a great step in the right direction to protecting our environment!

Beginning Research(Team CEA) 10/16/15

After meeting with Mrs. Houck and seeing the poles that we will be painting murals on, our team has began brainstorming fun ideas to plan out the murals. We have planned a weekend in November to get started and we are excited to get started painting! Also, today we have began our research on the important issue of environmental waste. Each year our country produces about 230 million tons of trash per year! It will be interesting to find out how much the area of Reading produces.

About Us (Team CEA) 9/25/15

ecap picture

Hi we are Team CEA. Our names are Christine Kievit, Emily Hartzell, Alysia Wakefield. (Emily is on the far left, Christine is in the middle, and Alysia is on the right). Christine is a sophomore marketing major and she enjoys helping people in the community and getting involved. Emily is a junior marketing major and she enjoys hiking and helping others. Alysia is junior criminal justice major and she enjoys working with others. We will be working with Glenside Elementary School to make their cafeteria feel like an outdoor park. We are looking forward to helping Glenside Elementary School and learning more about the community.