Wrap Up of The 2017 Green Team

Today was our presentation for the 2017 Green Team in class. We discussed our PowerPoint we made regarding our work at Nolde and research report. We displayed our research on how natural disasters play a huge role in how our environment is designed. We talked about hurricanes, wildfires, and earthquakes. We also talked about our service project at Nolde State park, about how we cleaned a particular area free of invasive plants. This allowed native plants and animals the protection they need to live a healthier life. We also took part in a bird watching program that allowed us to count the number of birds we saw at the feeders. The data we collected will be reviewed by students at Cornell University to study the migration of various types of birds.

From all of us from the 2017 Green Team we would like to thank you for following our work we did to help save our precious environment throughout the semester. We hope it encourages others to go outside and volunteer at different places so that we can strive for sustainability. This project was a great team effort and it could not have been done without all of the team member’s help. We found out Nolde has a lot of fun events going on throughout the year so check them out.

2017 Green Team: Dan, Mitch, Travis, Tony

Fun and Educational Day in Gaige Lobby

It was a great time talking with other students and faculty about our project at Nolde State Park. We informed many people about current invasive species in the area that could affect them. We handed out information regarding these species so the general public can be informed. It was also very interesting to see how other classmate’s projects turned out and learn about all that they did. Overall it was a great way to spread the word about sustainability!

Bird Watching Today at Nolde Forest

Our group was at it again today at Nolde but this time we spent the morning taking part in a bird watching study hosted by Cornell University. We started out with a class about the different types of birds so we could recognize them at the feeders. Next we spent the rest of the time watching the feeders and writing down what we saw. We were able to see various types of birds including a red-tailed hawk, chickadees, tufted titmouse, and several woodpeckers. As always, we had a great time talking with the members of Nolde Park.

More Info on our Volunteer Clean Up Day

Here are some more photos of the work we did on Saturday. On the left is the other portion of area where we cleaned up all of the invasive species. This part was not as easy because the trees you see were covered heavily with vines that were a pain to remove but our members made it look easy. On the right is one of the many piles of invasive species that we gathered, that will later get destroyed so they can no longer spread throughout the park. We got lots of compliments from people walking by of how much better the area looked once we were done. This makes all of our hard work that much more special.

The Rain Did Not Stop Us!

Yes it was a rainy, dreary day at Nolde State Park on Saturday but our 2017 Green Team members were few of the brave people to go outside and make for a better environment. Our main job was to clear out all of the invasive species of the area shown above, on the left was the before pic and on the right is the after pic. You can easily see that the invasives completely took over this area and we did a great job of clearing it out so the native species could thrive. Our advisors had planned for us to complete this project in 4 hours but we completed it in 1 hour so we were able to  clear out more than projected in 4 hours total. This was all done by our hard working team members and we had a great time talking with workers at Nolde to learn more about the park. Overall, it was a great day in the wilderness.

Productive Time at our In Class Workshop

     Spent the class period discussing our outline and worked on ways to make the final touches on it. Each team member started working on a rough draft for their own section of the research paper. Sent Rachel (our mentor) a message describing the outline of events we have planned. Overall we put a good dent in our research paper and are on track for all of our deadlines.

Clean Up Day At Nolde Forest

Look for flyers around campus, like this one starting next week describing the fall Clean Up Day at Nolde Forest. Tell your friends and family if they are interested in helping clean up the community. For more information contact one of the 2017 Green Team members. Look forward to seeing a big crowd on November 18.

Your 2017 Clean Up Crew

(L-R) Daniel, Tony, Travis, Mitch

Meet Our Members:

Tony- I’m a Junior year and came from South Korea. I’m in psychology major and my hobby is making lego.

Mitch- I am  senior in the electro mechanical engineering degree.  I grew up in Newville PA and am an avid outdoorsman.

Travis- I am in my second semester of my junior year as a Hospitality major with a minor in entrepreneurship. I grew up in Shillington, PA 5 minutes from Nolde Forest. I like to cook and learn more about my major and entrepreneurship.

Daniel- I am a sophomore studying Agricultural Business Management planning on going to State College next year. My hometown is Topton and my hobbies include hunting, fishing, and farming.

Our meeting today (9-13-17) with Rachel from Nolde State Park was very informative. She discussed our options for the fall clean up day on November 18 which all of our teammates will participate in. Not only will we help clean up the trails but we will also help Rachel out by organizing other volunteers into groups for the day and set up. We will have 4.5 hours of service time that day. Rachel also informed us of a state park survey that our group will complete in order for the park to make renovations in the next 20 years. To fulfill our required hours we will help with the bird watch survey hosted at the park November 20-21.