Team Clean and Blue

Blu Marsh

Blue Marsh 2

Pictured above is first, a picture of Blue Marsh Lake. The picture below is where we will be working mostly. We will be moving and replacing railroad ties that have over the years become rotted and unsafe for park-goers. We are also working on a billboard to show how littering affects parks and the surrounding environment. We are very eager to share our ideas with everyone and will keep you posted! Stay tune!

Team Clean Blue

Hi we are Team Clean and Blue! We are very eager and excited to get started on our clean-up project with Blue Marsh. Our team consists on Mirla, Angel, Jewel and Erin. Mirla and Erin are juniors majoring in psychology, Angel is a sophomore majoring in criminal justice and Jewel is a sophomore majoring in business. We all hope with our EACAP project we can learn more about toxic wastes (our topic) along with bettering our community.