The Lettuce Leagues Promotes Realistic Ways to be Sustainable

Welcome to the Lettuce League, we are Jamie, Jocelyn, and Madie! We are all second-years and have a passion for helping our environment. Jamie is a Business Management major, Jocelyn is a Psychology major, and Madie is a Rehabilitation and Human Services major.

For our service project, we worked with Bethany Ayers-Fisher from the City of Reading’s Public Works: Sustainability and Solid Waste Department. We created public service announcements to spread awareness about the sustainability plan that they are trying to promote. We made 3 Instagram/Facebook posts in both English and Spanish along with a Tiktok. We have attached our posts to this post. Social Media Posts TikTok

Our research portion was the environmental impact that meat production has on the Earth. We found that 15-25% of our greenhouse emissions are caused by meat production practices. Our brochure goes into more detail about how changing our diets will decrease our environmental footprint. Future generations may look back at our era of food production and wonder how any of it was acceptable. Raising awareness and educating others is one of the most effective ways to create change.

Reflecting on the past few months, we have gained a greater understanding of how we are able to make a difference even in the smallest of ways. Even just by shifting one meal away from a typically meat-based entrĂ©e, we are lessening our personal effect on the Earth. We appreciate the opportunity given to us to be more involved in our community. Whether it is by creating PSA’s, as we did, or by volunteering to clean up trash, we are thankful that this plan was brought to our attention. One thing that we want to leave the public with, is to stay open-minded to different ideas and plans. It may seem out of the ordinary, but the positive ramifications may outweigh the difficult transitional period. Service Video