4/7/2015 RBI Press Conference

On Tuesday, April 7th our group attended a press conference at Riverfront Part in the city of Reading to hear Vaughn D. Spencer, mayor of the city, discussed the accomplishments and plans for environmental adjustments will be made in the future. The importance of volunteering was preached. Our city cannot move forward without the help of these volunteers and at this point our group was recognized for our plans to contribute in the positive aspect of our community.

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April 7th 2015 was announced to be National Service Recognition Day.

“A clean block is a healthy block and a healthy block is up to us”. -Kelley





Introduction to The RBI Project 4/7/2015

Good Evening! My name is Katie and my team members include Kaitlyn, Mackenzie and Madison. We are all upper class at Penn State Berks, majoring in marketing/management and political science/prelaw. For our EACAP project we have decided to work with Steve Harrity of the Reading Inc. Our task is to be hands on mentally and physically to benefit the Reading area. We will assist in cleaning up and beautifying specific areas. Our teams’ first task is to evaluate the importance of volunteer work and how beneficial volunteering is to our community as a whole. Through the process of our project, we will explore the area and provide a positive impact on the environment around us.