Team Peach Tree’s Earth day event (May 2, 2016)

On April 22nd, which is the earth day of 2016, we helped with a meaningful event with the Glenside Elementary School. Our professor Dr. Kazempour arranged an amazing day with 5 graders from Glenside Elementary.

We made a welcome sign for the children and teacher from Glenside Elementary and set up a section of activity with them. We provided the kids little brushes, canvases, and paints, and let them draw their own environment. The children were really creative and had a lot more things than I thought. Most of them had trees, grass, animals, and some of them even had buildings, people, and even roads. After they finished their painting, Dr. Kazempour asked them what they had on their painting and explained to them that environment includes everything around them including people. I think it’s a really meaningful event for the kids to remember what environment truly is and seeing themselves as a part of the environment.

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Here’s some amazing painting from children at Glenside Elementary.

Team Peach Tree’s Glenside visit (April 25, 2016)

We visited Glenside Elementary School in April 18th. We walked around the campus and observed streets around the campus. We arrived around 2:45 p.m. and students were coming out of school by that time. We took pictures of the environment and noticed that the school is right next to the highway. The parking lot was overcrowded around 2:45 p.m., when parents picked up their children.

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