Beautiful Day Final Post

      Overall this project has been a great experience for all of us. We learned a lot about the research we conducted and about the service project we did as well. Through our research on Sea otters, we learned that sea otters are some amazing creatures that make a very positive impact on the environment. We learned about the issue: Sea otters as an endangered species. We learned about what causes them to become endangered. 1. Oil spills. 2. Shark attacks.  3. Humans.  4. More. We learned about the consequences of them being endangered: 1. Destruction of kelp forest. 2. loss of diversity of species. 3. How it affects humans. We learned about the possible solutions to the issue? 1. Reduce, reuse, and recycle whenever you can.  2. Dispose of hazardous wastes properly. 3. And more.  We also found some really cool news stories that highlighted this issue. As far as the service project, everybody did a great job of doing what we needed to do as a group to complete the service. The service project we did was a great overall experience for all of us to be able to create something great for the kids at Glenside elementary school, as well as hoping they have are able to learn something about the designs we created that highlight some of the things they have been learning about in class. This took a lot of time and effort to complete but we were able to get it done and are all very happy, not only that we were able to complete the service but also that we were able to give back to the community. In conclusion this was a great overall experience for all of us and we are so glad that we were able to participate in such a cool experience but also give back to the community.



Poster board presentation makes for a beautiful day

On Wednesday November 29th we presented our poster board of our EACAP project, which includes information on both our service project and our research report. This was a great experience getting to do a great service for the kids at Glenside elementary school and was also a great experience getting to research and learn about sea otters. We learned quite a lot about Sea otters and how their population is still endangered but also how their population has made progress as of lately. We will be doing our final presentation on our ECAP project on Wednesday December 6th in class.

Shed is painted white other than maybe some finishing touches

    My group the beautiful day went back to Glenside elementary school today, November 12, to finish painting the shed white. We have successfully painted the whole shed white, we might have some finishing touches but other than that, that step is complete. We plan to go back tomorrow to do the sketches and possibly the finishing touches with the white paint if we need to.

Beautiful day almost done painting walls white

My team the beautiful day went back to the Glenside school today November 11, 2017  to continue to make progress towards painting the blue walls white. We made a lot of progress today painting over the blue walls with white paint. We are almost done painting over the blue walls of the shed with white paint. We are going tomorrow back to the school tomorrow and hope to finish painting the walls white by tomorrow. We will then begin our designs on the walls for grades Kindergarten- second grade. We hope to be done the whole project by Monday or sometime early next week.

The Beautiful day continues to make progress

On Friday October 27, the Beautiful day went back Glenside elementary school to discuss the designs in which we are going to paint for our service project. We are going to paint for grades kindergarten- second grade We discussed that we will paint different themes for each grade. The themes that we know of so far include: Weather, animals, plants, seasonal patterns, et. Our goal is for these paintings on the walls to teach these kids about the different animals, plants, weather patterns, et that make up the environment. We also have gotten some paint and some other supplies so far to start the project. Our goal is to sometime this weekend or next week get the remaining materials we need to start working on the project. Our goal is to start the project sometime this upcoming week of the 30th.

The Beautiful Day Changes project but is looking forward to it

On Friday October 20th, The Beautiful Day went to the Glenside Elementary school to discuss the new project that we decided to do for our project. Our new project task is to paint some designs on the walls outside of the school, which gives these kids an idea of some of the things that make up our environment.   Next week we plan to go back to Glenside to further discuss what we are going to paint and also what supplies we are going to need to complete this project.