Hawk Mountaineers

We completed our eight hours at Hawk mountain working with both Ryan and David.  We worked with Ryan in the garden, weeding it out and cleaning it up.  We then hiked on a three mile trail and cleared it up of any obstructions.  We also worked with David in the woods marking coordinates on numerous trees that are part of a study plot to observe bird activity.


Today we completed our tri fold for our presentation and are looking forward to informing our classmates and any viewers as we present on earth day and our assigned class presentation date.

Hawk Mountaineers

Our research project is on the endangerment of chimpanzees!  We are currently completing our research on the statistics about chimpanzee populations.  There are currently 150,000 to 250,000 chimpanzee’s and the population is decreasing rapidly.  Some of the major threats to chimps thriving and surviving are being hunted, disease, and habitat destruction.  Also our group will be traveling to Hawk Mountain to do some work on the trails!