The Three Musketeers

2016-02-04 20.08.29

The Three Musketeers consist of three beautiful lady members that all bring something special to the team. The members include Naomi Garcia, Leidy Plasencia, and Kayla Shaub. Naomi Garcia is a junior in Applied Psychology and has since finished her minor in Spanish in the Fall 2015 semester. Leidy is a freshman in Communications Arts and Science and hopes to have the opportunity to travel the world after she completes her degree here at Penn State Berks. Kayla is a sophomore in Education, in hopes of teaching Pre-K through fourth grade. We are all passionate and willing to learn about the environment and the steps necessary to make it a better place.

“All for one and one for all.”


The Three Musketeers – Final Product (April 21, 2016)

So, this our final product of what the map and brochure will look like for the Glenside 5th grader. It took us a while to complete and get together and a lot of hard work was put into it. Emails back and forth with John Rost, Horticulture Research Technologist here at Penn State Berks in order to get all the information and location/pictures to flow very well. We hope that everyone takes the time to look at both documents and let us know what they think, good or bad.

Click here for: Environmental Map

Click here for: Environmental Brochure

The Three Musketeers – Environmental map (April 7, 2016)

We created an environmental map of the Penn State Berks Campus for the Glenside 5th graders. They will have the opportunity use the map to pinpoint distant locations around campus and be aware of all the sort of things WE ARE doing as a community to keep green. Below I have attached a copy of what the Glenside 5th graders will be using for the day of their tour/scavenger hunt. I hope some of you lovely folks take the time to look at it and give us some constructive feedback.

Environmental Map

Created by Naomi Garcia, Leidy Plasencia, and Kayla Shaub