The Avengers Wrap-up Their Mission: Our End Game

So we’re wrapping up our work here in BiSci and with our partnership with Trimatis. We had recently just had an awesome time presenting our whole project with our poster down in Gaige lobby. Our goal for our work with Trimatis was to create a system that would help collect plastic bottles of the type 1 variant as well as plastic scrap from 3D printing project. We had accomplished this by working with two other teams to help collect bottles and spreading the word across campus about our cause. With our efforts, we had collected approximately 150+ bottles just in Gaige building. This is a massive step towards Trimatis’s and our goal in doing our part to help save this planet.  We hope that everyone who visited our station learned a few things about 3D printing and now sees that making an effort to help the environment doesn’t just have to be done outside in nature, but it can also be done inside and in different sorts of fields too. We hope to expand our reaches with this project into more buildings across campus and hope you all continue supporting our cause. And with that said, even though this may be our End Game, for now, we will continue to strive for our home here on planet Earth.

Peter Chu

Collection Team – Trimatis

The Avengers: Mission Briefing

Just a quick update for you all. Our team has met up with Prof. Scanlon, who will be overseeing us through this project, along with the two other teams, ‘Cewl Guys 101’ and the girls of ‘Green is the New Black, who will also be talking this project together with us. In most recent years, the 3D printing trend has hit the world by storm. However, 3D printing is a very big waste producing activity. Most items that are printed are used as prototypes that are looked to be improved on and are thrown out right away, or if the printing process messes up then the whole product is thrown out! So together with Prof. Scanlon, we divided the responsibilities of the project to help reduce the wastes being produced by 3D printing between the three groups. The ‘Cewl Guys 101’ will be handling the implementation of recycling cans to gather plastic to be made and reused into 3D printing filament. The ‘Green is The New Black’ girls will be handling the public relations side of the project to get the information about this project out there to the public. And finally, there’s us, ‘The Avengers’. Our mission will be to gather the plastics from the bins and track the data and statistics of what goes through those recycling bins once they’re implemented! This will all be happening on our very own campus here at Penn State Berks, in the Gaige building. This will be a great testing ground for our project to see how effective this idea will be and, hopefully with the right results, this concept can be applied to other places with access to 3D printers to help lessen the wastes it produces!

Peter Chu, Antonio Agudio, and Dennys Chocano Castillo

-‘The Avengers’



The Avengers take on Recycling Project at PSU Berks

Hey guys, we’re the Avengers, we are made up of four members Angel Monegro, Peter Chu, Antonio Agudio, and Dennys Chocano Castillo. Each member bring a variety of skills and experiences to the team. Angel is a Junior Criminal Justice major from Reading PA. Peter is a senior majoring in Information Sciences and Technology from Wyomissing, PA. Antonio is a sophomore majoring in business from Long Island New York. Finally, Dennys is a junior Finance major from Lancaster PA. For our project, we will be working with the Trimatis-Penn State Berks Recycling/Repurposing Initiative. Through this work, we hope to have a more profound understanding of how we can help the environment through 3D printing and work with and share what we learn with our community.