Team Berks Bros Project Reflection

Overall, we all had a great experience with the project. We greatly enjoyed working with the school and helping the community.

Robert: The EACAP project was overall a positive, unique, and impactful experience for myself, and my teammates.

Michael: The EACAP project was overall a positive experience for me and this project made get closer with my group members.

Jayang: The EACAP project had a lot of challenges for us. We had a good time working on it.

Jacob: The EACAP project has been a great experience. I couldn’t thank my teammates enough for making this project go so smoothly. It’s been one of the best groups I have been a part of that communicated and worked well together, and I will definitely miss it.

Team Berks Bros looks to help the community and learn more about the environment by constructing bird feeders at local elementary school

Team Berks Bros is made of four members, Robert, Jacob, Jayang and Michael. Each member is enthusiastic about the project to benefit the community and learn more about the environment. Each team member has strengths and experience that can greatly help in the completion of this project.

  • Robert Adams: Robert plans to contribute to the team by serving as the team liaison and doing his share of the work. Robert is a sophomore IST major and enjoys learning about, spending time and working in the environment.
  • Jacob Siegfried: Jacob is an SRA major and plans to contribute to the group by communicating with his group members effectively and efficiently, and doing his share of work as well. Jacob enjoys operating his lawn care business and working on bettering the environment.
  • Jayang Patel: Jayang is IST (Information Science And Technology) major. He is always ready to contribute to the group by being flexible with the work which needs to be done. I always help my uncle with the gardening and landscape so I think that should be a plus point that can help working and making environment better.
  • Michael Etumnu: Michael is a Business Management Marketing major and plans to contribute his previous landscape ideas towards the project. Also I plan to communicate with my group real effectively.

On Wednesday 9/13, our team traveled to Glenside Elementary school and meet assistant principal Karen Houck. We are very excited to help Mrs. Houck and the school to enhance the environment of the school. This will provide more learning opportunities for the students of the school, and at the same time, we will learn more about the environment ourselves. We will build sustainable bird feeders for the school and possibly other flower pots if needed. This will improve the environment by providing food for the local birds and will benefit the students of the school because they will be able to observe and learn about the local birds of Pennsylvania birds. We plan on working Thursdays after 2:30 and possibly weekend if needed to complete the project. We will communicate with Mrs. Houck for specific work days. We look forward to this great learning and service opportunity.