how to create a balanced ecosystem at the yard

Some good insects like ladybugs devour bad insects like aphids (also known as greenflies). Attract the beneficial insects to your garden to help keep the bad ones at bay without the use of chemical pesticides. Simply grow the kinds of plants that the good insects find attractive, such as yarrow, Queen Anne’s lace, and marigolds.

Bee house

So for our ECAP project, we decided to make a bee house.

the reasons are:

· Bee houses offer security against vandalism and theft of hives.

· The hives are protected from the weather and therefore last longer.

· Bees appear to be more amenable to the beekeeper working with them especially during day light hours. However one beekeeper remarked to me “Have you seen what is going on outside the bee house while you are safe and secure inside?” In other words:’ if the bees become agitated their annoyance appears to be directed towards the area outside the bee house rather than inside.

· With a floor of compacted clay/sand mixture or concrete it is easy to control ants and termites.

· If portable as shown below right a prefabricated bee house can be taken down moved and re-erected on another site.