The final stretch

The team met up to finish our final part of our service project for the Glenside school. We brought rocks and painted some of the rocks to give to the kids so they have an idea of what the rocks going to be like. Were going to take the rest of the rocks to Glenside so the kids can paint rocks and put design on the rock and once they are done were going to help add them to the garden that they have already have at there school.



Get to Know The Green Day Enhancers

  1. Angelena Certaine- Accounting major, Junior, enjoys laughing and hanging with friends.
  2. Shatwan Brown- major communications , I am a freshman and I like to sleep and eat and play sports.
  3. Maesun Mahmoud- Major: Animal Science, Freshman, I like animals and watching tv.
  4. Ellena Jno-Charles- Major: Veterinary and biomedical science, Sophomore, I like assist with surgeries and dentistries in at work in an animal hospital.

We will work with Glenside’s Elementary School. Our team will help to enhance their garden.

We are interested in gaining knowledge about our environment and a sense of involvement in creating a beautiful garden for the students at Glenside.

From left to right: Ellena, Shatwan, Maesun, Angelena