Final Step (Team TBT), 4-28-16

Hi Everyone!


Everyone on Team TBT had a great time completing the EACAP Project.  We were able to add a lot of great things to the garden, and we hope that our work will attract butterflies and other wildlife for the students and teachers to take advantage of. Here is out final presentation for our project!

Bi Sci EACAP Presentation

Earth Day (Team TBT), 4-19-16

Hi everyone!


Yesterday we had a great time showing off out poster for our project.  We had pictures of our work at the garden, information about pesticides and fertilizers, and also information about what our plants will attract to the garden.  We had a few people stop and it was great being able to share our hard work with them.

Team TBT

Possible Plans and Plants (Team TBT), 4-1-16

My group members and I are part of the Glenside Garden Project.  We are going to be working on the garden this Sunday, April 3rd.  We are going to begin to clean up the garden and make it a more educational place.  After cleaning up the garden, we would love to plant a butterfly bush to attract butterflies, milkweed for Monarch butterflies to lay eggs on, and also fennel for Black Swallowtails to lay eggs on.  The teachers and students will then be able to take the eggs and watch them grow into a new butterfly.

Group TBT