The Earth Protectors – Final Post!

The Earth Protectors finally finish their mission in fall semester, 2017!

Throughout the semester, we researched on the topic of plastic pollution because we found that plastic pollution can relate to other areas of pollution, such as air pollution, ocean pollution and so on. The expansion of plastic pollution causes dramatic problems in our daily life. We feel that we should do some research and take our small steps to arouse people’s awareness on this issue. We want other people to understand the cause of the problem and realize that we should do something.

We had a tough and enjoyable time on doing the service project. Because of the weather condition, it’s extremely cold for us to work outside to paint the wall. And it takes us a lot of time on finishing even one bit of the service in great amount of time. We were thinking that the workers who need to do this job must be laborious. But we finished our service project eventually, we painted life cycle of butterfly on the way and hopefully that the kids will appreciate the picture and enjoy their learning on animals.

The experience of EACAP project is meaningful that we all learned profound knowledge through either the research or the service project. Environmental awareness gradually builds up in our mind and we are willing to take small steps on environment matters. We also want to call on you to join our team to protect our planet.  Also, because of the EACAP project, our team members become good friends and we learned a lot from each other.


The Earth Protectors- Finalize service project

On the 1st of December, we went to Glenside Elementary School to finish our service project. We decided to paint the life cycle of butterfly on the wall for the kids in the elementary school to learn the basic knowledge of the species. We had a tough and great time on doing the service project. 

The Earth Protectors – explore more!

On Friday, Oct 27th, our team went to Glenside Elementary School to explore more information about the location where we are going to paint. We decided on the walls which we are going to take action on. We roughly estimated the material we will need and designed different topics for our project. We will try to get some supplies and begin working on the service project soon!We hope that we can provide realistic paintings on the wall which makes it more vivid and helps the kids to understand more about our life.

The Earth Protectors – protect hard

Today, we met together to discuss both our research and service project. We improved our research outline which is on the effect of plastic to our environment and we’ll continue working on the topic to arouse the awareness of plastic pollution in our daily life. Our team decided what we are going to paint which is relevant to what the elementary kids are learning at different age groups. Such as water cycle and animals, we would like elementary kids to learn more about our planet.

We plan to get some materials for the service project and start our service next Tuesday!