Reflection Post

Overall, I feel that our final project turned out pretty successful. However, it was definitely frustrating that our original project for our EACAP volunteer hours was not what we hoped it would be. I enjoyed doing the research about our topic because I felt very strongly about our topic of plastic pollution. Also, I did enjoy going to the sustainability day and seeing all of the different ways to try to improve our world. I think our powerpoint and poster presentations still came together nicely, but we definitely wish we could have done more service oriented learning with Glenside.

Green Gang’s summary post

The Green Gang worked with Glenside School and made “attendance stars” for the students. There were 70 stars in all and we basically had to hot glue them to sticks for the students to receive. We also had to make powerpoint slides for our professor. These slides will be displayed around school on tv screens and printed out as flyers. We each had to research the links provided by the professor and create slides based on the information we read. For our research portion of this project, we had marine debris. We broke up the research into parts and shared a google doc with each other to work on it. We found out so much about marine debris. The most interesting things from out research were that there is this huge garbage patch in the Great Pacific that could fit the state of Texas inside of it, twice. Also, we found out that it is actually very hard to clean up marine debris because it is not just the big pieces of trash we can see with our eyes, but mostly microplastics that are invisible to the naked eye. We even found a movie on Netflix about marine debris. Overall, we had a great time with this project and learned so much! We would recommend everyone watches the movie “A Plastic Ocean” on Netflix because it is so interesting. This project was a great thing for us to do and we hope everyone enjoys our presentation!