Greener Things Summary Post

For our project we assisted the Reading arborist, Lester Kissinger, with planting trees around the city. We also are making a pamphlet to help spread awareness for Reading’s adopt a tree program. Through adopt a tree residents can choose from a list of tree species and apply to have trees planted on their property, but then the residents have to care for the tree. We helped plant five native trees, and we never anticipated the plantings to be as fun as they were. I also expected the plantings to be harder, but with teamwork and the guidance of Lester, it was a lot easier. We also learned a lot about how to plant trees, like how to give the trees the best chance of doing well by scoring their roots. We all gained the experience of planting trees, had a great day while planting. I believe that everyone should go outside and do something for the environment and ourselves such as planting trees.

Knowledge = Gained (Tree Planting)

While planting trees a few weeks ago with my team we gained a lot of knowledge. The tree we planted first was called Amelanchier ‘Autumn Brilliance Serviceberry’. At this tree planting Lester (neon yellow sweatshirt) shared his knowledge with us about tree planting. He told us how far the tree needs to be from the curb in the city which is two feet. He also guided us to make the hole deep and wide enough. Jean (plaid shirt & vest) also guided us and shared her knowledge with us. She taught us how to score the roots, and told us about Espoma Organic Biotone Starter which contains mycorrhizae that help with root establishment.

Greener Things planting Trees in Reading!

Rinna, Allie, and I were joined by Derek, Alex, and Nick, who were also planting trees. We also were joined by the Reading arborist, Lester Kissinger, and also Jean and Marilyn, who all assisted in teaching us about the trees and planting. We planted these trees on November the third, and they all were native trees. Native trees are much better for the environments they reside in. We all had a good time planting trees and how to plant them so they can successfully grow.

Two more trees were born at Chestnut Street Side, Reading

Here is a victory post of our two EACAP teams finishing planting one of the trees at Chestnut Street, Reading.

The name of the tree in the photo is Amelanchier ‘Autumn Brilliance Serviceberry’. It is a long name, we know. We also planted a Cercis ‘Eastern Redbud’ at the same location.

When we were planting these two trees, we encountered some problems: there were roots underground that prevented us to plant. Lester, one of the people from Citizens Climate, had to use a chainsaw to cut it open to remove them.

It was a little rough journey to find these two trees a new home but we did it!

The Root of all our Problems

This weekend my group went to plant our trees with the City of Reading’s arborist (Mr. Kissinger), a handful of his employees, and our Planting Project Coordinators for Citizens Climate Lobby (Jean and Marilyn). Our team did not know how fun planting trees could be, and we were very excited to learn how to plant as we were all first time planters. Tree planting is quite an easy task, but let me tell you about an issue we ran into at our second planting site. The plots we were trying to plant new trees in led to a little issue. These planting spots had very large roots in them from their previous tree. Thanks to the Mr. Kissinger and his employees they showed us how to remove the root, and we were able to plant two new beautiful trees for a homeowner in the city. Enjoy this picture of our team and the root that caused a problem during planting, and stay tuned for more pictures and details from the weekend!

The root.

Greener Things second meeting with Citizens’ Climate Lobby

We had our second meeting with Citizens’ Climate Lobby! We distributed workload and designed our first tree-planting schedule in City of Reading. It will be on Friday, the Oct. 18th at 9am. All of us being first-time planters, we are super excited! We will also be doing the first planting together with Nick’s team as well. 

Pilot- Greener Things

Hi everyone,

We are the Greener Things team, there are three of us and our names are Rinna, Liam, and Allie. Rinna majors in Marketing and she likes watching movies; Allie majors in Cyber Security and she loves animals; Liam majors in Business management & marketing and he is a barista.

We will be working with Citizens’s Climate Lobby. We are excited to plant trees with them and make a contribution to combat climate change!

Enjoy our team photo!