Final Presentation and Reflection (Green Team) December 9, 2015

Today, our team presented our project and non-related environmental issue we did research on. During the presentation, we talked about our research on abandoned locations and their causes and environmental impacts. The four locations we chose were Centralia, Chernobyl, Three Mile Island, and Hashima. These locations were all abandoned for a variety of reasons, such as an underground mine fire, nuclear explosions, and economical reasons. We also described the process we went through to complete our mural paintings. Overall, our presentation went very well. We are very thankful for being able to volunteer at Glenside Elementary School, and we enjoyed painting the tree murals. We want to thank everyone who helped, and the school for letting us volunteer there.


E.A.C.A.P Final Presentation

Finished Mural Photos (Green Team) December 6, 2015

Below are some photos of our team and the other team’s finished poles. The photo on top shows the winter side of all the trees, and the one on the bottom shows the summer side. We are very happy with how the poles turned out. The faculty at Glenside was very pleased as well. They really appreciated the work that we did, and we are very excited for the students to see the trees.

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Mural Painting Continued (Green Team), November 23, 2015 and November 24, 2015

Over Thanksgiving break, half of the Green Team was able to go to Glenside and continue to paint our murals. We went on Monday November 23rd and Tuesday November 24th. We spent a total of 10 hours painting our trees on the poles in the cafeteria. As we were working, multiple faculty members walked by and complimented us on our work and how much they appreciated us doing this project for the school. Painting the trees was very relaxing and is an enjoyable project. We will be coming back to the school once break is over to finish all of the trees.  Pictured below are our finished paintings of a blue spruce tree in the winter, a plum tree in the spring, the plum tree in the fall, and the plum tree in the winter.

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Mural Painting (Green Team) November 15, 2015

On Sunday, November 15, our group went to Glenside Elementary to start painting the trees on the poles. We also finished up some sketches that we did not get to finish last time we were there. We each worked on our assigned poles, and almost finished painting the trunks and branches. The trees that we are painting are plum, maple, apple, and spruce. On each side of each pole, we are painting the different seasons of the tree. We enjoyed painting and we look forward to coming back and paint again and hopefully finish them up!

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Mural Sketches (Green Team) November 13, 2015

On Friday November 13th, all of the Green Team went to Glenside Elementary School and did sketches of our trees on the 8 poles. We did 2 of each kind of tree on the 8 poles.  We will be coming back to paint our 4 poles and finish them up, while the other team paints their 4 poles. The top left photo is Kierra’s apple tree, the one to the right of that is Brandon’s blue spruce tree, the one on the bottom left is Jill’s plum tree, the last one is Sierra’s maple tree.


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Meeting at Glenside (Green Team) October 2, 2015

On October 2nd, our group met with Ms. Houck at Glenside Elementary School. She explained to us which project we are doing, which is painting trees on the poles in the cafeteria. Our goal is to paint different trees in Pennsylvania, and paint the different seasons of those trees on each side of the poles. Ms. Houck then took us into the cafeteria and showed us the poles that we will be painting. This concluded the meeting