TEAM KACS _ That’s a Wrap!



As our semester draws to a close so does our service-learning project. We have presented to our class as well as spent a day presenting to our fellow students in Gaige. It was great hanging out around campus and talking to the people that stopped by and were interested in our work. We hope that what we did this semester goes forth into our community and helps to better our environment.

Our finished brochure also came out of this project and is awesome if we do say so ourselves! Please check it out and consider volunteering on the trail!


Team KACS – Visit to the Trail – November 8, 2015

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On Sunday, November 8th, Team KACS went to the Schuylkill River Trail. We spent two hours clearing a portion. We picked up some trash and were surprised to find that it was not as littered as we thought. We spent the majority of the time clearing low hanging branches and overgrown shrubs from approaching the trail. We also got a lot of information for our brochure that we are working on for the organization. All in all it was a fun day helping the community!

Volunteering at the Schuylkill River Trail – Nov. 2, 2015 – Team KACS

We are planning to visit the Schuylkill River Trail this weekend to volunteer and clean up the trail. We are hoping to further gather information to add to our brochure so that when people volunteer, they know how to prepare, what to expect and how they will go about the day. We are looking forward to volunteering so that we can help our local area and also we are excited to get photos for our brochure!

KACS’s Reading Beautification

After conducting research as to what we wanted to do our research component on we decided to contact Steven Harrity from the Reading Beautification which is a non profit organization who’s goal is to help clean the area of reading which includes picking up litter, repainting vandalized walls and areas. He has thankfully agreed to meet with us and answer any questions that we have in regards to our concerns. Since the Schuykill River Heritage area is a non profit organization it is very hard for Bob as well as the little volunteers that he has to clean up the entire SRT so that it is presentable to the community and people would want to come to the trail. With this information from the Reading Beautification Inc. would attract volunteers so that we can improve the conditions of the SRT and help out this organization. As a team we think that it is important to attract as many volunteers as possible because this trail can not be cleaned by one person alone. If Bob receives the help from us all the SRT would benefit not only socially but economically as well.

Graffitti and the Environment by Team KAKS

From recent research and discussion our team has been trying to understand and figure out what are some important problems surrounding the Schuylkill River. One of the biggest problems that we’ve learned about is the lack of support from communities. When we focus on graffiti, it makes it seem like we’re taking away from the environmental aspect of the EACAP Project. In all actuality, it still is important to our environment. Not only are we letting youth destroy the walls and buildings surrounding the river but we are allowing chemical fumes to be released into the air of the small forested areas of the parks. We find spray paint cans, rappers, spilled paint, and trash on the grounds along side of the places that have been tagged. The same way it is bad to liter on beaches because waves push it into ocean, and animals can die from investing and getting caught in the food, is the same way birds, deer, and many other wildlife can digest and die from the waste left in the parks.

We think that it is important to reach out to the youth in the communities surrounding the SRT that it’s not fair to the wild life, the workers/ volunteers, community, and their selves, to constantly have their nature parks and rivers defaced.

A brochure to assist volunteers on the trail (Team KACS) 9/28/2015

We are going to make a brochure that clearly defines the positions and duties of the volunteer leaders and volunteers themselves. We are thinking about making it available to the public on the Schuylkill River website as an interactive brochure as well as a brochure to be printed and reused. Our brochure will be used for groups of volunteers that are working for two hours and will describe the day’s activities, dress, what to be prepared for and how to prepare for the day. We will also be planning a volunteer day ourselves to see how the day goes, take photos and gain further insight.

A Brief Intro about the Brochure Team (Team KACS) 9/25/2015

We are a group of four sophomore girls and we are creating a brochure for the Schuylkill River Trail. This brochure will be for volunteers to look at and learn from. Our team name is KACS which stands for our names, Kristina, Anushka, Catie and Shelcea. Kristina is a Finance/Accounting major and her favorite thing to do is to shop! Anuskha is an IST major and her favorite thing to do is to golf. Catie is a Business Marketing major and her favorite thing to do is to work or read. Lastly, Shelcea is undecided but loves to travel!