Introduction (Squad) 9/28


We all share a common interest in helping out the environment and making it look like a better place to live in. We thought that the Reading Beautification would be a good project to work on because it would help out the environment near us. Each of us enjoy walking on the walking trail that we will be working on, so it will be interesting to make it look better than it looks now since we have already seen what it could look like when it’s bad.

The Dam Team Introduction, 9/28/2015

Nirav: Accounting Major, Junior Year, People should always care about environment.

Bill: Finance Major, Junior Year, a clean/healthy environment is never a bad thing.

Dylan: Business Major, Junior year, it is important to start taking care of the environment so that future generations do not have bad problems with air quality and other things linked to not taking care of the environment.

Dharmendra: IST Major, Junior, I believe that if we take care of the environment it will take care of us.

Introduction (Team PJ2) September 28, 2015

Hello! We are Team PJ. Our names are Payton Horst, Jen Nisch, and Jesse Rohrbaugh. We are two sophomores and a freshmen at Penn State University Berks. We all enjoy nature and are curious to discover more about our environment and new ways to improve it.  This semester we are working with the Schuylkill River Trail to help increase planned trail events and activities, while making the trail a more inviting and interesting place.

Photo on 9-25-15 at 11.24 AM

Green Team Introduction Sept 28, 2015

Hey Guys. We are “The Green Team” Team and we are working on an environmental project  in order to change the misleading perception of the Schuylkill River Trail. We will organize events and activities that have already succeeded in the past in order to bring more people to the trail and increase the overall use of the trail.  We may contact different recreational organizations for ideas on enhancing current trail activities.

Thrashing SwordFish intro Sep. 15, 2015

Photo on 9-25-15 at 11.13 AM

We are the Thrashing SwordFish, we aim to create descriptions of the Schuylkill river boating trail. The members of the Trashing SwordFish are Kevin Greaser, Michael Curry and Dalton Burt. We have a sister team named the River Mappers. Who as well aim to crate a description of the Schuylkill river’s historic and interesting landmarks found on the rivers banks.

A Brief Intro about the Brochure Team (Team KACS) 9/25/2015

We are a group of four sophomore girls and we are creating a brochure for the Schuylkill River Trail. This brochure will be for volunteers to look at and learn from. Our team name is KACS which stands for our names, Kristina, Anushka, Catie and Shelcea. Kristina is a Finance/Accounting major and her favorite thing to do is to shop! Anuskha is an IST major and her favorite thing to do is to golf. Catie is a Business Marketing major and her favorite thing to do is to work or read. Lastly, Shelcea is undecided but loves to travel!


Introduction (Green Team) Sep 28, 2015



The Green Team

Hello! we are the Green Team, our members consist of Brandon, Jill, Kierra, and Sierra. We specialize in creativity, communication, strategy, and organization. We are ecstatic to help Glenside elementary with their window mural project. We have already come up with a few great ideas for the project and look forward to working with Glenside elementary for the remainder of the year.


About Us (Team CEA) 9/25/15

ecap picture

Hi we are Team CEA. Our names are Christine Kievit, Emily Hartzell, Alysia Wakefield. (Emily is on the far left, Christine is in the middle, and Alysia is on the right). Christine is a sophomore marketing major and she enjoys helping people in the community and getting involved. Emily is a junior marketing major and she enjoys hiking and helping others. Alysia is junior criminal justice major and she enjoys working with others. We will be working with Glenside Elementary School to make their cafeteria feel like an outdoor park. We are looking forward to helping Glenside Elementary School and learning more about the community.