Intro( Team Dutch) 9/28/15

Our group will be working on the rain barrel and honeybee gardens project here at Penn State Berks. For the Rain barrel project we will be designing rain barrels and coming up with ideas to promote the use of the rain barrels. At the Honeybee gardens we will be working on cleaning up brush and creating a level area for the hives that will be arriving later this fall.  In addition we will be helping to build and install several native bee habitats in the area with the flower garden.

Introduction (Green Squad) 9/25/15

Cameron Trager

Zach Surovy

Rudy Looney

Team Introduction

Our names are Cameron, Zach, and Rudy and we are all sophomores at Penn State Berks.  We are going to be working at Glenside Elementary School and our task is to paint over walls to make it look like an outside space.  We chose this to give back to the community especially because it would be for the benefits of children.




Team Introduction (Funky Monkeys) Sept. 25, 2015

In the Funky Monkeys Team there is Keerti Sharma, Angela Feick, and Elizabeth Fey. We will be assisting in the Fall Festival and Mathletics. Keerti is a Finance major and a sophomore, Angela is an Advertising major and a sophomore, and Elizabeth is a Human Development and Family Studies major and a junior. We chose to work with Glenside Elementary because we enjoy being creative, doing crafts, and helping kids be aware of the environment. We think the Fall Festival and Mathletics will be a great way to do so.

Intro (Storm Callers) 9/25


We are the Glenside Storm Callers, culminating with Brandon Hatt, Cassie Cormier, and Edward Thomer. As a team we are very diverse in creativity, planning, and collaborative thinking. We intend to create a fun and educative activity involving mathematics for the various elementary kids. We have all had different experience in educating children about various aspects in life, and have worked with them to provide a fun environment. The basic rule of storms is that they last until the imbalance that created them is corrected; therefore, we will strive as hard and as long as we are needed in order to help the Glenside children become more familiar and integrated with the environment around them.

EACAP Team: River Mappers

Team River Mappers consists of Mike, Brian, Matt (from left to right).  We will be providing texts about significant landmarks and events that have happened around or along the Schuylkill River.  Our team is working together with the team The Thrashing Swordfish.


Some issues that interest us around the river include, pollution and pollution sources, wildlife and how human interaction affects nature, and possible energy sources (solar or hydroelectric).

After our discussion with Bob we now know somewhat of what we need to research.  Bob said he will be sending us more information on what needs to be researched and what we need to do.

Update: The two teams decided to split up the maps 50/50.  Each map will have 8-10 points and will be done by the individuals of the separate teams.