Final Presentation (Team PJ2) December 11, 2015


Here is a picture of our final presentation board! On the left side we had our environmental issue of ecosystem restoration. In the middle we displayed basic information on the Schuylkill River Trail. Then finally, on the right side of the board we displayed the positive and negative feedbacks from both the Brentwood and RACC trailhead. We also put up pictures from our experiences on the trails.

Our SRT findings by RACC (Team PJ2) November 30, 2015

On November 13th, George, Kevin, Jen, Jesse, and Payton went to the Schuylkill River Trail. Our findings at this location was very different than what we found at the last location. This time we went to the part of the trail that was located behind RACC. This trail was filled with graffiti, trash, glass bottles, and wasn’t well maintained. Walking along the trail, we also discovered that groups of homeless people live on these trails. We saw about ten tents of homeless people, as well as other people living along the actual river. After our discoveries, we now have a better understanding of why many people feel discouraged/scared to come to this part of the trail.

Our first trail experience (Team PJ2) October 28, 2015

On Friday October 23rd, my group and I went to the SRT. We were able to walk on the trail, observe the surroundings, take pictures, and talk to locals that come their often. We noticed that parts of the trail are more secluded than others, therefore, we felt as though more directions or signs would be appropriate for people to feel secure in not getting lost. It was nice to see that the trial itself was very clean and that there was not a lot of trash on the ground. Please enjoy these pictures! IMG_8163 IMG_4374 IMG_9496 IMG_0217 IMG_8783

Environmental Issue (Team PJ2) October 16, 2015

After some discussion, our team decided we were most interested in the issues of contamination of drinking water and water pollution, logging and deforestation, destruction of wildlife habitats, and ecosystem restorations. We compromised and have decided our environmental issue will be what effects logging, deforestation, and the destruction of wildlife habitats have on animals throughout the Schuylkill River Trail and how we can restore and rebuild this ecosystems.

Initial Research Thoughts and Discoveries (PJ2) October 9, 2015

After searching a variety of resources including newspapers, websites, brochures, and interviews, we discovered a lot about the Schuylkill River Trail. We learned the trail generally starts in Coal Country and travels all the way to Philadelphia. Along the way there are several places for visitors to stop and explore the area. Some local places are East Penn Valley, Greater Reading, Oley Valley and Western Berks. The Schuylkill River Heritage Area was founded in 1974. The Schuylkill River Trail has experienced many different revolutions including, the American Revolution, the Industrial Revolution, and the Environmental Revolution. Our group will soon be narrowing down on one key environmental issue to address that is a threat to Berks County.

Update on our progress (Team PJ2), September 28, 2015

On Friday, September 25, we met with Bob from the Schuylkill River Trail and had the opportunity to discuss our ideas and get a better picture about what he is expecting from us.  We realized he did not want us to create any new events but educate ourselves and the people in the community about the events already available.  Currently our objectives are to find out what the community actually knows and to find out what events have been held in the past or are going to be held this year.  We also have the opportunity to create a survey for an event happening with other environmental groups associated with the Schuylkill River Trail on October 8.  This will allow us to get an idea of what these organizations think of the current trail and also receive their opinions on what ideas they may have or are using in their own organizations.

Introduction (Team PJ2) September 28, 2015

Hello! We are Team PJ. Our names are Payton Horst, Jen Nisch, and Jesse Rohrbaugh. We are two sophomores and a freshmen at Penn State University Berks. We all enjoy nature and are curious to discover more about our environment and new ways to improve it.  This semester we are working with the Schuylkill River Trail to help increase planned trail events and activities, while making the trail a more inviting and interesting place.

Photo on 9-25-15 at 11.24 AM