Community Awareness Event -12/4/15

River Mappers Board- Community Awareness Event

River Mappers- Community Awareness Event Presentation

On December 4th, we presented our information about our issue and research on our maps. The day went great and we interacted and engaged with others, teaching them about our topics. It was good to get the opportunity to inform people about the problem of Water Pollution. We also finished up our information on our maps and began to wrap up our reports for a final draft. The picture is our board of the information that we presented on this day.

Report and 2nd set of Maps – River Mappers 11/20/15

On November 20th, we met and discussed our progress on the report. Our information has began to come and flow together as we combined our sections we have made so far. Also, we have made progress on our second set of maps. We are getting closer and closer to our 8-10 hour service amount and at the end of these sets of maps, we will pass that mark for sure. Progress has been going great and our teamwork is at a high level as we aim for our end goal for the project.

Finished Maps Update- River Mappers 11/13/15

On the date of November 13, 2015, we as a team wrapped up our first set of maps. We worked very hard on gathering information for our points on the set of maps. We began to split up and work on our second set of maps. Also, we gathered more information for our group report and decided what we are each going to include in it. Our progress has been going good and we are aiming to finish our second set of maps within a few weeks.


River Mappers:

As a team we talked about the progress on the maps we were working on and how to go about getting pictures and additional information.  We decided that we are going to visit the library to see if we can get any information we couldn’t find elsewhere.  We will most likely attack this as a team.  We have Matt working on map D, Brian working on map I, and Mike on map F.

Update on River Mappers Progress


We decided as a team who do what maps and settled on the 21st as the due date for the first map.  We began minimal research on our topics and we also decided that we would focus a little on the problem of water pollution and its sources in the Schuylkill River.  We plan to explore the issue more and how we can go about changing and reducing the amount of pollution in the water.

River Mappers

We discussed with Bob what needs to be done and how it should be done.  We also decided that we are going to be splitting up the maps that Bob will give us 50/50.  The team Thrashing Swordfish and River Mappers will split them up and will have 8-10 points discussing the item.  We have yet to receive what will be researching.

EACAP Team: River Mappers

Team River Mappers consists of Mike, Brian, Matt (from left to right).  We will be providing texts about significant landmarks and events that have happened around or along the Schuylkill River.  Our team is working together with the team The Thrashing Swordfish.


Some issues that interest us around the river include, pollution and pollution sources, wildlife and how human interaction affects nature, and possible energy sources (solar or hydroelectric).

After our discussion with Bob we now know somewhat of what we need to research.  Bob said he will be sending us more information on what needs to be researched and what we need to do.

Update: The two teams decided to split up the maps 50/50.  Each map will have 8-10 points and will be done by the individuals of the separate teams.